Monday, November 7, 2011

Occupy DC Assaults Two Grandmas

All of this took place in Washington, D.C. over this past weekend. Below is what the uploader of this video included in their description underneath the video on YouTube:

Occupy DC Protesters assaulted conservatives as they exited an Americans For Prosperity "Tribute to Ronald Reagan" dinner.

This elderly woman, 78 years old, rode 11 hrs on a bus from Detroit to attend the dinner. After the attack she was taken to hospital with multiple injuries, a bloody nose which developed after the fall, and a large knot on her head. After x-rays and a CAT scan, she was released the following morning with cuts and large bruises.

Update: Further uploaded video footage shows the second woman to have been brought to the ground by a conference attendee losing his temper and pushing through the Occupier chain. ( /watch?v=pTnOwaTRDog )While it was clearly a mistake on his part, and wrong, it is also equally true that the dinner attendees should have been able to go to dinner at a public place without wild, aggressive people imprisoning them in a human chain as they tried to leave the venue! This is not protesting, this is physical intimidation and harassment. However, the older lady and others were clearly pushed by the occupiers over the stairs as other occupiers released their side of the chain.

Further comment: the strength and pressure of intense people with their arms locked in a human chain, on three sides, pushing against a group of unprepared people dressed for dinner is very powerful. When the chain is broken on the other side of the mob, it is not surprising that those people, including the victim in the video, would spring forward and lose balance.

This next video, also from D.C., shows another elderly woman "falling to the ground."

For a while, the AFP members were exiting the summit in single file past the protesters without incident, but then the protesters decided to block their exit. This incident occurred as the AFP members tried to push their way past. The injured woman was later loaded into an EMT vehicle.

Three people viewing the scene from different angles told me that the woman's fall resulted from the AFP members' feet getting tangled up with each other, and that that the woman was not pushed by an Occupy DC protester.

Here's more video of the same two incidents above from another angle, as well as other violence and out-of-control behavior of the amped-up protesters and attendees of the AFP event alike:

Finally, here is an interview with one of the victims from the above videos and others that were involved in the incident: